- Board Member

Alessandro Cellerino received a PhD in Neurobiology from Scuola Normale Superiore and studied molecular mechanisms of neruonal plasticity in vivo. In the last ten years, his activity concentrated in the development of Nothobranchius furzeri as a model species for aging studies. This species is now established in about ten laboratories in the world including Stanford University and the Fritz Lipmann Institute in Jena and Alessandro Cellerino is recognized as the world-leader for this model system. For his studies on N. furzeri, he received the prestigious “Max Bürger Preis” of the German Gerontological Society. In collaboration with the Fritz Lipmann Institute, a protocol of RNA-Seq was developed to quantify and the genome of this species is currently being assembled. In the last years, research interest focused on molecular mechanisms regulating neuronal stem cells in vivo using N. furzeri as a model.