- Board Member

Giovanni Comandè (LLM Harvard Law School USA, Ph.D. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) is Full Professor of Private comparative law at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna where he also studied as ordinary student. Attorney at law (Pisa and New York and mediator. He has taught in and visited numerous universities in the world (Washington and Lee School of Law, USA; Université Laval, Canada; Fordham School of Law, USA; Université Panthéon Assas Paris II, Faculté de Droit ; Hebrew University, Jérusalem; Wake Forrest University School of Law, USA ; University of South Carolina School of Law, USA).
He has been elected as member of the American Law Institute (ALI www.ali.org) where he is an advice member for various projects such as on the Information Privacy Principles. Member of the European Law Institute (ELI www.europeanlawinstitute.eu) of the the European Group on Tort Law www.egtl.org and of the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law, Vienna (www.ectil.org).He has written 4 monographs and numerous articles and comments, has edited 14 volumes. He works in Italian, English, Spanish and French.
His areas of competence include: AI regulation, data protection law, law and technology, algorithm regulation, civil law in general, tort law, personal injury, European private law, health law, private law of public administration, product liability, A.D.R. (Alternative Dispute Resolution), American law, insurance law, technology regulation.