- Board Member

Marco Conti is a Research Director of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). From December 2012 up to November 2016, when he was appointed member of the CNR Scientific Council, he was the director of the CNR Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport. He is member of the board of directors of IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (a public graduate school) and of Consorzio RFX (a public-private research institute in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion. He has published in journals and conference proceedings more than 400 research papers related to design, modeling, analysis and experimentation of computer networks, future Internet, social networks and pervasive systems. He received several Best Paper Awards (BPAs), including the IFIP TC6 Networking 2011 BPA and the IEEE WoWMoM 2013 BPA. He co-authored the books “Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs): Architectures, Protocols and Performance Evaluation” (Springer 1997) and “Online Social Networks: Human Cognitive Constraints in Facebook and Twitter Personal Graphs” (Elsevier 2015).
He is Founding Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the Elsevier Journal on Online Social Networks and Media, and he is the EiC of Computer Communications and the Associate EiC of Pervasive and Mobile Computing. He was the coordinator of FP5 FET project “Mobile Metropolitan Ad hoc Network (MobileMAN)” (2002-2005), which produced pioneering results in the field of self-organizing computer networks, and he has been the CNR principal investigator in several projects funded by the European Commission, such as: FP6 FET project HAGGLE (2006-2009), FP6 MEMORY (2007-2010), FP7 EU-MESH (2008-2010), FP7 FET project SOCIALNETS (2008-2011), FP7 SCAMPI (2010- 2013), FP7 Network of Excellence on Internet Science (2011-2015), and Horizon 2020 REPLICATE (2016-2020).
He served as TPC chair for several major conferences -- including IFIP Networking 2002, IEEE WoWMoM 2005, IEEE PerCom 2006, and ACM MobiHoc 2006 -- and he was general chair (among many others) for IEEE WoWMoM 2006,
IEEE MASS 2007 and IEEE PerCom 2010. He is the founder of successful conference and workshop series, such as ACM RealMAN, IEEE AOC, ACM MobiOpp, and IFIP/IEEE SustainIT