- Board Member

Mirco Nanni holds a degree and a PhD in Computer Science (University of Pisa, in 1997 and 2002). He is currently a permanent researcher at ISTI - CNR in Pisa, member of the KDD Laboratory. He was visiting researcher at the Computer Science Department of College Park, University of Maryland (1999), SENSEable Lab. at MIT Boston (2008), Transportation Research Institute at Hasselt University of Belgium(2010) and the Applied Movement Behaviour Research Group, University of Brunswick – Canada (2012).
He has been working in the computer science research since late 90's, especially in the databases and data mining areas. He collaborates to the main international conferences in the area, in the roles of author, program committee member or reviewer. He authored 60+ international publications, mainly on several aspects of human mobility, such as data mining on spatio-temporal data (theory, algorithms and applications for clustering, classification and sequential patterns for trajectories of moving objects), applications on transportation and smart cities (traffic models, carpooling systems), mobile phone data analysis (GSM-based estimation of population and flows) and Big Data for Official Statistics (leveraging mining models for extracting reliable statistics).
He participated to several national and international research projects, as researcher or coordinator, the most recent and relevant ones being: PETRA (Personal Transport Advisor: an integrated platform of mobility patterns for Smart Cities to enable demand-adaptive transportation system); ICON (Inductive Constraint Programming); DataSIM (DATA science for SIMulating the era of electric vehicles); LIFT (Using Local Inference in Massively Distributed Systems); MOVE (Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects).
He served as program chair for workshops ”SAWM: Statistical Approaches for Web Mining”, 2004, ”STDM: IEEE Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Data Mining”, 2007, ”DAMASCA: DAta Mining And Smart Cities Applications Workshop”, 2015 and program vice-chair for ICDM 2008, IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining. Moreover, he serves as regular program committee member and reviewer for several of the most prominent conferences and workshops in the fields of databases and data mining, including: ACM CIKM, ECML/PKDD, IEEE ICDM, ACM KDD, SADM, SIAM DM, SSTD, IEEE SSTDM. Finally, he regularly contributes to the revision of papers for major journals in the field, including: VLDB J., TKDE, DKE, GeoInformatica, Information Systems, IJGIS, KaIS, SADM J., Machine Learning J. Since 2007, he regularly holds courses for graduate and undergraduate students, at Università di Pisa, on databases and data mining.