Data Science Colloquium 2020


  • Data Science Colloquium


  • 2019/2020


Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 21:15 to Monday, June 8, 2020 - 21:15


On Line Virtual Event

The seminars are accessible online: Join the live session.
Try connecting a few minutes before the start of the sessions, if you experience any problem you can contact

14:00 Statistical physics for the analysis of real-world networks - Tiziano Squartini (IMT)
14:30 Analyses of migration network effects - Jisu Kim (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)

14:00 Integrative bioinformatics to exploit biomolecular mechanisms in the big data era - Francesco Raimondi (Scuola Normale Superiore)
14:30 Debunking Some of the Myths Surrounding Artificial Intelligence - Stan Matwin (Dalhousie University)
15:00 Developing a multi-layer framework for social policy evaluation. An Italian case study: the Citizens’ Income - Giovanni Tonutti (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)
15:30 Essays on Science, Innovation and Proximity - Giorgio Tripodi (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)

14:00 A network perspective of online political debates - Fabio Saracco (IMT)
14:30 Challenges in Deep Learning for Text and Multimedia Retrieval - Franco Maria Nardini (HPC ISTI-CNR), Fabrizio Falchi (NeMIS ISTI-CNR)
15:00 Using data science to uncover cognitive constraints in human behavior beyond social interactions - Kilian Ollivier (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)
15:30 Affective Computing by Multimodal Machine Learning - Benedetta Iavarone (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)

27/05/2020 This session was rescheduled to June 10th
14:00 Challenges in ecology and biodiversity - Lisandro Benedetti Cecchi (University of Pisa)
14:30 Speeding up the analysis of large-scale dynamical systems on networks - Andrea Vandin (Scuola Sant’Anna)
15:00 Biodiversity and urban science - Salvatore Rinzivillo (KDD ISTI-CNR)
15:30 Unveiling the underlying mechanisms for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services inside Mexican Protected Areas using ML - Ivan Alejandro Ortiz-Rodriguez (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)

14:00 Big Data and Children's rights - Denise Amram (Scuola Sant’Anna)
14:30 Data-driven approaches for climate policy and impacts - Francesco Lamperti (Scuola Sant’Anna)
15:00 A multidisciplinary approach to the study of fake news diffusion - Tommaso Radicioni (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)
15:30 Sensing well-being through the eyes of the world's news media - Vasiliki Voukelatou (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)

14:00 Molecular Modeling of Complex Systems in the Soft Condensed Matter - Giuseppe Brancato (Scuola Normale Superiore)
14:30 Epidemiology and Data Science in the Covid-19 emergency - Pierluigi Lopalco (University of Pisa)
15:00 Brain MRI signals and gene expression in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Elisa Ferrari (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)
15:30 Deep-learning based analyses of mammograms to improve the estimation of breast cancer risk - Francesca Lizzi (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)

14:00 Bringing AI into industry - Marco Vannucci (Sant’Anna)
14:30 Deep learning for networks and graphs: learning from data and its relationships - Davide Bacciu (University of Pisa)
15:00 How can ensemble non-equivalence affect data compressibility, reconstruction and pattern detection? - Andrea Somazzi (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)
15:30 Robust model selection for high-dimensional data - Luca Insolia (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)

14:00 Data Science for sustainable cities - Angelo Facchini (IMT)
14:30 Individual human mobility modeling and prediction - Agnese Bonavita (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)
15:00 Urban Structure and dynamics as mobility-informed spatio-temporal complex networks - Gevorg Yeghikyan (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)
15:30 Analysis and reconstruction of microscopic production networks - Leonardo Niccolò Ialongo (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)

14:00 Challenges in Explainable AI - Fosca Giannotti (KDD ISTI-CNR)
14:30 Challenges in Text Mining - Fabrizio Sebastiani (NeMIS ISTI-CNR)
15:00 Explainable Machine Learning and Health-care applications - Cecilia Panigutti (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIII Cycle)
15:30 Robust and transparent long short-term memory (LSTM) machine learning for time series prediction - German Rodikov (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)

14:00 Hybrid datasets: integrating observations with experiments in the era of macroecology and big-data - Lisandro Benedetti Cecchi (University of Pisa)
14:30 Speeding up the analysis of large-scale dynamical systems on networks - Andrea Vandin (Scuola Sant’Anna)
15:00 Biodiversity and urban science - Salvatore Rinzivillo (KDD ISTI-CNR), Simona Re (Eliante Onlus)
15:30 Unveiling the underlying mechanisms for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services inside Mexican Protected Areas using ML - Ivan Alejandro Ortiz-Rodriguez (Data Science Ph.D. student XXXIV Cycle)

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