- Summer School
- 2017/2018
The Enrico Fermi Schools are a highly prestigious series of summer schools of the Italian Physical Society with a tradition of more than 60 years and with many Nobel laureates as lecturers (https://www.sif.it/attivita/scuola_fermi/). The International Schools devote special care in planning the program and produces proceedings of the school that have become classics.
Recently an increasing number of interdisciplinary topics have been selected and our school fits into this trend. Our school will consider complex systems of social and economic origin by teaching and discussing concepts and topics of computational social science and econophysics. These are fields, where physicists, computer scientists, sociologists and economists join efforts to understand the laws governing the complex system of human interactions.
- Human behavior from ICT data
- Disease spreading, countermeasures, and large scale ABMs
- Science of success
- Reality mining
- Price formation, market microstructure
- Systemic risk, including cascading failures
- Networks in economics and finance
- Agent based models in economics and finance