Searches for rare events in particle, medical and gravitational physics


  • Data Science Colloquium


  • 2017/2018


Elena Cuoco (EGO), Alessandra Retico (INFN), Chiara Roda (INFN e UNIPI)


Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 13:00 to 14:30


Aula 250, INFN, Edificio C, Polo Fibonacci, Largo Pontecorvo 3, Pisa

The methodology to analyze data has become a link among the most varied research fields. Concepts as likelihood, neural network, machine learning are widely spread and applied with success to extract different type of information from different type of data sets. In this talk we aim at giving an overview on how analysis methods are applied to different research fields taking as examples: medical physics, high-energy physics and gravitational physics. After an introduction to the contexts of the three research fields, examples of analysis methods will be given with the aim to illustrate analogies and differences among methodologies application.

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