- Board Member
Henrik Koch received his PhD from Aarhus University (Denmark) in Theoretical Chemistry. In 2002 he was appointed Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry, NTNU (Norway). Since 2018, he is Full Professor in Theoretical Chemistry at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. He was visiting Scholar at the Department of Chemistry and the Pulse Institute, Stanford University (USA) for two years (2014-2016). His main research interests focus on the development and application of many-body theories, in particular, coupled cluster theory and response theory. Mainly with applications to ground and excited state dynamics, and molecular properties in general. Recently, his efforts are centered on the development of accurate computational models for the interaction between advanced light sources and matter. He has since 1989 been a main developer of the quantum chemistry code DALTON and is currently focusing on the transition to Graphical Processing Units (GPUs).