ECHO CHAMBERS E POLARIZZAZIONE Uno sguardo critico sulla diffusione dell’informazione nei social network

TitleECHO CHAMBERS E POLARIZZAZIONE Uno sguardo critico sulla diffusione dell’informazione nei social network
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsCarugno, C, Radicioni, T
JournalThe Lab’s Quarterly
Start Page173

Understanding the algorithms that contribute to the formation of our daily reality requires an in-depth look at how information is disseminated in online social networks (OSN). In this article, we will observe how news propagation is restricted by the presence of virtual borders that limit the interaction between users. This phenomenon, known as "echo chamber" formation, has the effect of polarizing the public debate on conflicting positions. Inside an echo chamber, information is not conveyed through a horizontal exchange between users, but due to the presence of like or follower aggregators, called hubs. This analysis will be carried out considering a casestudy in two of the main OSNs: Facebook and Twitter. From the study of user interaction networks we will observe how the algorithmic choices made are crucial to the polarization of the debate around a topic of discussion.

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