L’Epistola a Cangrande al vaglio della Computational Authorship Verification: risultati preliminari (con una postilla sulla cosiddetta “XIV Epistola di Dante Alighieri”)

TitleL’Epistola a Cangrande al vaglio della Computational Authorship Verification: risultati preliminari (con una postilla sulla cosiddetta “XIV Epistola di Dante Alighieri”)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCorbara, S, Moreo, A, Sebastiani, F, Tavoni, M
EditorCasadei, A
Conference NameNuove inchieste sull’epistola a Cangrande: atti della giornata di studi, Pisa 18 dicembre 2018
PublisherPisa University Press
ISBN Number978-88-3339-333-9

In this work we apply techniques from computational Authorship Verification (AV) to the problem of detecting whether the “Epistle to Cangrande” is an authentic work by Dante Alighieri or is instead the work of a forger. The AV algorithm we use is based on “machine learning”: the algorithm “trains” an automatic system (a “classifier”) to detect whether a certain Latin text is Dante’s or not Dante’s, by exposing it to a corpus of example Latin texts by Dante and example Latin texts by authors coeval to Dante. The detection is based on the analysis of a set of stylometric features, i.e., style-related linguistic traits whose us-age frequencies tend to represent an author’s unconscious “signature”.
The analysis carried out in this work suggests that, of the two parts into which the Epistle is traditionally subdivided, neither is Dante’s. Experiments in which we have applied our AV system to each text in the corpus suggest that the system has a fairly high degree of accuracy, thus lending credibility to its hypothesis about the authorship of the Epistle. In the last section of this paper we apply our system to what has been hypothesized to be “Dante’s 14th Epistle”; the system rejects, with very high confidence, the hypothesis that this epistle might be Dante’s.

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