Leonardo Niccolò Ialongo
Data Science Ph.D. Student (Cycle 34)
In November 2018 I joined the PhD in Data Science offered by the Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, IMT Lucca, Università di Pisa, and CNR Pisa. I am working with Professors Diego Garlaschelli and Giorgio Fagiolo on developing network models for macroeconomic analysis.
I received the MEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College London in 2016 submitting a thesis on a novel statistical signal processing technique under the supervision of Dr Danilo Mandic. In 2018 I completed the Msc in Control Engineering from Università di Roma "La Sapienza" with a thesis on the controllability of complex networks applied to interbank lending markets under the guidance of Dr Giulio Cimini and Professor Guido Caldarelli.
Research Interest:
My research interests are on the application of network models to the study of macroeconomic phenomena. In particular I am interested in modelling how the structure and reconfiguration dynamics of the inter-firm network affect the dynamics of the economic aggregates.
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