Francesca Naretto
Data Science Ph.D. Student (Cycle 35)
.I am a Ph.D. student in Data Science, under the supervision of Fosca Giannotti and Prof. Anna Monreale. In particular, I carry out my research at eXplainable AI algorithms with the group of ERC XAI led by Fosca Giannotti.
I studied Computer Science: my Bachelor's degree is from the University of Turin while my Master's degree is from the University of Pisa.
From the University of Pisa, I won a scholarship to work on my Master's thesis abroad. For this reason, I went to the University College of London. The topic of my thesis was a framework for privacy risk prediction of sequence data. My supervisors were Prof. Anna Monreale (Unipi) and Prof. Mirco Musolesi (UCL).
Research Interest:
.Explainable AI
Data Privacy
Deep Learning
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