Luca Insolia
Data Science Ph.D. Student (Cycle 33)
Luca is currently a PhD Student in Data Science.
During his PhD, he spent a period in the US as a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Statistics at the Penn State University.
In 2017, he completed a Traineeship at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in the Text and Data Mining Unit. There he investigated methods for robust regression, clustering, and missing data treatment with applications in international projects related to Global Navigation Satellite Systems, international trade, and the European banking system.
Since 2016, he is also a member of the Robust Statistics Academy and a developer of the Flexible Statistics and Data Analysis toolbox.
He previously studied Business Administration at the University of Catania and Trade Marketing at the University of Parma. In the latter, he graduated with honors. His thesis was entitled “A Modern Approach to Robust Regression”.
Research Interest:
His main research interest is in the development of robust sparse estimation methods for high-dimensional models.
He also proposes their applications to investigate the main drivers of honeybees loss.